Why do The Argus and Labour councillor Sue John keep getting it wrong when describing the Hollingdean proposal?

Veolia will not be sorting just recyclable waste to transfer out of the city - this facility will receive all of Brighton and Hove's waste.

As a local resident, I do not object to a "recycle centre" holding the MRF to sort and transfer recyclable goods.

What I do object to is the waste transfer station (WTS), a WTS which will receive and bulk up all households' black bin liner waste.

Brighton and Hove City Council's original proposal in 1985 was to have the MRF at Hollingdean and the WTS near a major highway, such as the A27, since the WTS creates the most traffic, noise and pollution.

Yet, once Veolia signed the contract a massive co-facility has suddenly become necessary.

-C Booker