Your article on Dewe Road (The Argus, April 20) somehow led me into a very satisfying time warp.

As a very young boy back in the early-Fifties I lived with my parents at 32 Buller Road. I started school at Coombe Road in 1952 (I ran away on my first day but was apprehended by my very first teacher, Miss Page).

There used to be a sweet shop in Milner Road called Mr Paines and a bakery nearby which gave off a very nice smell.

Mr Paine had a lucky dip in his shop but I never won anything. I am sad to hear of the closure of St Alban's Church. I used to attend Sunday school just down from the church in the church hall, which is now flats.

There was a boy by the name of Johnny Lander who lived next door. He was a fair bit older than me but he took me under his wing and used to take me for a ride on his bicycle (I sat on the crossbar).

We used to shoot down Buller Road and go straight across Coombe Road non-stop.

As a result of my dad's firm going bust in 1955, we were evicted from No 32 and found accommodation with a family in Southall Avenue for a few months. We then moved in with my grandparents.

One other really magical memory was the very fast walk down Coombe Road to catch a No 48 trolley bus - what I wouldn't give to be able to do that again.

A couple of years ago I revisited that area and, despite the difficult and very unpleasant ending of our time there, I still loved it. After all, it was my home.

-Ian Steedman, Worthing