I am a 25-year-old worker who has a full-time job and no children and I find it disgusting I am unable to get a mortgage to buy a home even on a joint mortgage rate.

It really angers me that the Government seems to be content to hand out money to people who do not seek a job but choose to have children at young ages when they cannot support them.

I know several people who have a child and do not work as they have calculated they get more in benefits from not working, plus they are given a home, often with at least two bedrooms, and not even at a discount but completely paid for by Brighton and Hove City Council.

I understand the Government cannot see these people homeless but surely some sort of review should take place to ensure people continue to be in need of the benefits and have not just become accustomed to them.

Needless to say, along with many other people, I am now having to consider living elsewhere, purely for living a normal, non-scrounging life.

-name and address supplied