Why has Simon Burgess invited the Labour Party back? The people of Brighton should not tolerate a repeat of last year's Labour Party conference.

Swaggering, gun-toting policemen must not be accepted on the streets of Brighton again. The disruption to people's day-to-day lives and the clampdown on local people's civil liberties is an intolerable price to pay.

Under the Terrorism Act, I had to give the police my details because I was taking photographs on the seafront near the Brighton Centre. This type of infringement of our liberty is the true cost of holding the conference here and could also be a foretaste of how life might be everywhere in this country if we don't get rid of this authoritarian Government.

Cabinet members had to queue with other delegates to get into the centre.

Surely this presented a huge security risk. Had I really been a terrorist, I could have taken out Geoff Hoon, Hazel Blears, Ruth Kelly et al as they queued inches away from me. It would have been easy for someone not giving the game away by carrying a camera or wearing an anti-Blair T-shirt.

Last year's police operation was called "Operation Otter". If New Labour return to Brighton, can I suggest the name "Operation Rotter" in honour of the Prime Minister himself and Simon Burgess for inviting him.

-Glenn Williams, Brighton