I wrote in April expressing my support for the marina development and was overjoyed when Brighton and Hove City Council approved it, nine for and three against, on June 30.

Having gone from enthusiastic young to grumpy old Conservative, I was amazed and a bit miffed that it was the Conservative councillors who were against it.

Never mind - I was in the public gallery and it was heartening to see other pro-supporters there and we won what will be a fantastic development for Brighton and Hove.

This promises the fulfilment of the potential of a marina which has been struggling for 40 years.

I have lived it, been there, worked there and seen it.

Imagine my horror, then, when I heard this could all be in jeopardy because of the decision regarding the tower being taller than the cliffs, even though it's halfway out to sea.

The "anti" lobby, which seems to be largely the blue-rinse brigade (no disrespect, as I am one), seems to know about these meetings while we "pro" supporters were unaware, thinking the decision had been made.

Again, it appears the Tory councillors to my limited knowledge are against it - what's wrong with them?

Can they not see a gift horse? Can they not see a future for our city? Or, dare I say it, are they stuck to the blue-rinse brigade who only want Regency terraces, no change and no consideration for the young who are looking for useful employment and somewhere to live?

Anyway, I am changing my allegiance and buying a wig.

-John McMullan, Hove