In answer to Maureen Tullett, who replied on April 17 to my original letter complaining about patronising Sunday Trading laws, I think she has completely missed my point.

I totally agree that families need time during a busy week to unwind, renew, take leisure, and nurture family life.

What I object to is being told by a minority religious body, the Church of England, that these activities should be carried out on a specific day.

Fine if Sunday happens to be the most convenient day, but not because the C of E says so.

My wife and I are both retired and, to us, every day is the same. We take our leisure, play tennis, go to the gym, socialise with family whenever we fancy or find the time.

Of course I can organise my week so my shopping is done in six days and not seven, but it’s the principle for which I am standing up. There should not be these restrictions in this day and age.

The 1994 Sunday Trading Act has been so watered down over the years that this last piece of nonsense, ie that large stores cannot sell goods on Easter Sunday, should be consigned to history.

What on earth is the point of it when you can get whatever you want from a small store?

John Morris, Seaview Road, Woodingdean