Seven months ago, 24-year-old Ellie Goulding was signing a record deal with Polydor. Seven weeks ago, her debut album Lights was released. Seven songs into her set at Digital, Goulding became a pop star, her stage presence growing with every song.

While opening with two of her debut album’s strongest songs – Lights and Every Time You Go – Goulding showed confidence in an ecstatically reviewed album, the pre-programmed backing vocals high in the mix and Goulding’s slightly awkward body language indicating that seven months in the spotlight might not have been enough for her to develop the personal confidence to match her musical confidence.

But as each song got more whoops and cheers, Goulding’s performance grew like a watered flower. The emotions played bigger on her face, the gesturing intensified and the post-song thank yous became explanations of what her songs were about (namely: boys, running away, and not changing for others).

The acoustic final four lines of The Writer and forceful Under The Sheets were powerful statements that Goulding had found her voice long ago and is now finding her feet as the hottest singer-songwriter in years. “We’re insanely happy to be here,” she said. “We bloody love Brighton.”

In the seven months since signing her record deal, Goulding has topped almost every “tipped for 2010” poll, and won the Critics’ Choice award at the Brits. With her folky ballads, beefed up by Starsmith’s electronic productions, it felt like watching a butterfly emerge from a chrysalis.