You may not want to wear it around the house and it probably would not be suitable for work.

But tomorrow, collectors will be trying to outbid one another for a chance to take home items that certainly add a touch of glamour to any outfit.

The George III silver coronet dates back to 1820 and once belonged to the Fifth Earl of Guildford, who died in 1827.

It is expected to fetch anything between £3,000 and £6,000 and could even make more.

It is decorated with eight silver pearls, a red velvet top and an ermine headband and comes complete with a mahogany case and floor-length ermine robe.

Andrew Scarborough, of Scarborough Fine Arts which is auctioning the items, has not seen anything like it before.

He said: “It’s very rare. I've been 30 years in business and I've never handled anything like this. They come from titled families and titled families don't tend to sell things like this. It is unusual to come on to market.

“I am not jaded by the business but to get something that excites you is a real thrill.”

The coronet was made in London and worn by nobility at the coronation of King George IV.

It last came to auction in 1969 and was bought by a woman in Mid Sussex for £750.

Mr Scarborough said: “We have got newspaper cuttings from 1969 and obviously it generated a lot of interest. It went for £750, which is a heck of a lot of money. You could probably have bought a flat for that.”

Silver collectors and royalists are expected to be interested in the item but Mr Scarborough said general collectors will be excited by such a rare item.

However he admitted it is not the most practical of headwear.

He said: “This would be an investment because you’ll never have one again. It’s a little bit extravagant. I don’t think it’s going to get a lot of home use.”

The public auction is being held at Scarborough Fine Arts from 9.30am at Unit 2, The Grange Industrial Estate, Albion Street, Southwick. For more information call 01273 870371 or visit

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