I appreciate that in these current times we need to collectively strive to make a change and ensure that todays world doesn’t become tomorrows trash can, yet I struggle to comprehend some of the initiatives that are pushed rather forcefully in my direction.

Acorn Plus has obviously spent a great many man- hours looking at ways to both regenerate much-needed revenue back into Horsham District Council and at the same time beat the drum to the tune of recycling and environmental change (The Argus, April 3).

However, this blue bin initiative seems to be the brainstorm of an over-enthusiastic teenager desperate to save the planet. All residents, irrespective of occupants per house or flat, now have a very large blue bin. I live in a bank of properties in Cook Road where most of us live a single life yet, here we are, each now armed with a large, heavy blue bin.

I and my close neighbors could easily share one of these bins between four of us, greatly reducing the cost of materials, fuel and manpower to manage our recycling.

The mission statement of decreasing landfill waste by 15% and increase recycling is vastly countered by the use of heavy plastic, making so many unnecessary blue bins and the resources and energy needed to empty already-empty bins.

Ian Hunter
Cook Road, Horsham