After listening to more than four hours of the same old rhetoric and evasion in the three Prime Ministerial debates on TV I am no nearer to deciding which party will get my vote.

Rarely did any of the three leaders answer a direct question with a direct answer for fear that the truth would lose their party votes, which made a farce of the proceedings.

People genuinely want to know how the party in power is going to get this country out of its worst economic crisis in decades and how doing so is going to affect their pockets.

The media, especially the more popular national dailies, seemed more interested in conducting polls on the relative performances of the three leaders, rather than concentrating on their policies. This probably sold a few more broadsheets but we have to remember that we are electing a Prime Minister, not a performer. We need someone with substance and maturity rather than a soap-box orator.

Although still undecided, I will vote and urge everyone who is eligible to do likewise, however disenchanted they may feel.

There is absolutely no point in moaning after the event if you don’t use your democratic right to mark a cross on the ballot paper.

John Morris Seaview Road,