Butterflies, birds and creepy crawlies.

Brighton and Hove has got the lot, according to TV celebrity David Bellamy.

Professor Bellamy was among hundreds of people to enjoy the city’s Springwatch Festival.

Now in its fourth year, the free event at Stanmer Park is held to raise the profile of the city's efforts to protect nature and the environment and teaches children and families about ecology and wildlife.

Prof Bellamy headed a children's parade dressed as Noah, as he represents humanity's first attempt to save the Earth's biodiversity.

He said: “Today is a celebration of Brighton and bio-diversity and Bellamy – the three Bs.

“We've had some of our best natural historians in the country from Brighton. It's a super place with butterflies, creepy crawlies, the birds and everything.

“In the last 50 years we have started to lose quite a lot of that for different reasons. It's not rocket science to put biodiversity back on the agenda again.

“Brighton and Hove's Big Nature has been working over the last three or four years, mainly with kids and schools, and it is working.”