I have always been a bit wary about attending a baby show but now one is coming to my doorstep I thought I might give it a go.

A contact I made on Twitter linked me with Suzanne who is a mummy to two and co-organises the event. I decided to ask to meet her prior to the show and was relieved that the baby show is not about the hard sell to pregnant and expectant mothers. She has focussed on an event which is truly parent and child friendly. Organisers have taken advice via parent input during the organisation process.

The Baby Expo is on 27th June at Brighton Racecourse from 10am to 4:30pm and with a guest appearance from BBC's Mister Maker as well as sleep trainers advising parents, baby boogie, competitions and of course for the retail junkie like me stalls of funky baby products.

I am going to be meeting with some of the sleep trainers for advice on Mini McCann's raving habits. I'll of course try and gain some easy steps to share with you all.