Flying ace Steve Elkins is refusing to give up his fight for a £30,000 birdman jackpot.

Mr Elkins said he planned to take the controversy to court after Worthing Birdman organisers declined to pay out last year.

The Derbyshire hang glider manufacturer, who has not entered this year’s event, insisted he travelled 100m last summer to win the top prize.

But organiser Sharon Clarke said careful measurements clearly showed he had fallen 14cm short.

Mr Elkins says he might have to take the case to a judicial review.

He said: “It left a nasty taste in the mouth.

To be honest, I didn’t think I would be accepted if I entered this year.

“The public and other competitors have been extremely supportive and I have been offered help by various people.

Because of the sum involved I think it may well be a judicial review.”

But Mrs Clarke said: “We did look fully at all the evidence and he was very close but fell short.

“The rules clearly state you have to fly over 100m and all the evidence we have is he didn’t.”

As a result of the dispute, Mrs Clarke said the insurance company had put up this year’s premium from £5,000 to £7,000 to cover the cost of any pay-out.

Despite the controversy, 21 fun fliers and 18 serious competitors have entered this year’s aerial extravaganza on Saturday and Sunday, August 14 and 15.

Mrs Clarke said:“With the huge demand for places we have had to turn people away.”

Former Olympic ski jumper Eddie “The Eagle” Edwards will be taking the plunge from the Southern Pavilion diving board.

Fun characters leaping into the sea include Wallace and Gromit, Batman and Robin, Dangermouse and Penfold, and Rambo.

A free movie, Finding Nemo, is being shown on big screens on the beach at 4.30pm on the Saturday.

“I love Sunny Worthing” Tshirts will be on sale during the event.