Following Labour leader Ed Miliband’s recent Question Time-style event at Hove Town Hall (The Argus, January 15) where he fielded questions from 200 randomly selected residents, I think Brighton and Hove could turn Labour at the next general election after the effects of the coalition Government’s cuts and VAT rise have been fully felt by the electorate.

Mr Miliband is quite right his party does face a “big challenge” in winning back disillusioned local voters who felt that the last Government had lost touch with them and the problems they were facing. The party lost the support of many traditional voters who felt Labour was not “standing up for them”

at a time when they should have been.

But Mr Miliband is now trying to win back disillusioned Labour voters with a policy review and a tour around the country to listen to peoples’ concerns. He wants to win all seats in Brighton which he feels should be a natural Labour heartland.

The party was clearly shocked that it lost all it seats in Sussex at the last general election and is now hoping to do well in the local elections in May.

We shall have to wait and see, meanwhile he must continue to regain the support the party lost last May.

Steve Fuller
Rowan Avenue, Hove