Manny Pereira is right to be “worried at what appears to be a lack of action” by people in the UK regarding the actions of the coalition Government (Letters, January 20).

It certainly appears many people have been numbed into a state of submission.

Having already lost control of our national utilities, we are now losing our Post Office to privatisation. The public need to wake up and realise that once our treasures are sold off, it is almost impossible to get them back.

We know already what this Government is doing to education and the protests have begun. Are we really going to allow the Con-Dems to dismantle our NHS?

Mr Cameron and his associates have refused to listen to health professionals and experts in healthcare and are taking a massive gamble by investing billions to force their proposals through – proposals that will open up all parts of the NHS to competition from private health companies.

How many people complain about drug companies “ripping off” the NHS? Well, if Government’s proposals go through, the greed of private firms will destroy the NHS once and for all. GPs do not have the time or the qualifications to run a £70bn budget. Thousands of NHS staff are going to be thrown out of work.

Prospects for the people of Britain under this Conservative-led coalition are even more bleak when one looks ahead. The Electoral Commission is looking to scrap certain Parliamentary constituencies and alter the boundaries of others. Most of the constituencies proposed to be scrapped are Labour-held seats and the boundary changes will be to the benefit of the Tories.

Mr Cameron says his proposals cannot wait. The people of Britain must not wait to organise and bring this Government down. People power beat the Tories over the Poll Tax. People power can again beat the Tories by rejecting their policies that will make Britain a broken state.

And let us never forget how it was the Liberal Democrats who supported the Tories in their effort to kill off Britain, They should equally be condemned and thrown out.

Ken Strudwick
Hayley Road, Lancing