How I agree with Alistair Sorrell (Letters, August 11) concerning bonfires.

Garden bonfires are most infuriating, especially in summer when people are enjoying their gardens.

Why do people find it necessary to set light to piles of rubbish during the day and on the loveliest sunny days, or warm early evenings?

Could this not wait until a dull day? And please spare a thought for people who hang out their washing.

Who wants black smuts and the smell of smoke on clean washing?

Okay, live and let live, but if you really must create smoke, why not wait until the late evening?

This would at least be fairer to neighbours who have every right to enjoy their gardens during the day and to have clean air in their lungs as well as clean air blowing their washing dry, instead of black smoke polluting the air.

Please - people who light bonfires - have some consideration for others.

  • Mrs J Pomeroy, Bengairn Avenue, Patcham