TIDEWAY School has announced that its librarian has been made redundant, and is reducing the number of books in its library (The Argus, May 18).

I wonder who, and what research, headteacher Rob Corbett consulted to arrive at this decision?

I suspect he is following the media-frenzied trend of hitting an easy target without considering the practicalities.

Using E-readers to study set texts in class raises questions about access to information.

Will there be an E-reader for each student or will they share?

And what about homework? Will they be allowed to take E-readers home, or are they expected to buy the text themselves? What if a student loses an E-reader, or spills food on it?

Mr Corbett says good technology is the best medium for research purposes.

Without the librarian, who will teach students the information literacy skills they need for studying and life after college?

Textbooks and journals are peer-reviewed and frequently preferable to surfing the net.

However, the matter that is most worrying is that, without a librarian, how are the students going to have instilled in them a love of reading?

Mr Corbett’s comments on the current state of his school library (LRC) give the impression it has long been under-funded, under-promoted and under-supported by teaching staff.

Many children do not have access to books in their own homes, and benefit from a buzzing school library managed by a dynamic librarian.

Reading books is linked to a higher chance of going to university and a greater chance of being in a managerial position in their 30s.

Reading changes the architecture of the brain; children who read regularly become more academically able and are better at relating to other people.

Is spending on E-readers a better alternative than providing a library for children?

Francesca Luxmoore-Peake, Woodland Way, Brighton