The Argus: fringe_2011_logo_red_thumb Everyone has seen them – the young couple, in love for the first time, living out a romantic existence with their own language and in-jokes to the exclusion of all others.

Based on a real-life Facebook wall, with the names changed to protect the guilty, Phillipa And Will... is about a year-long relationship played out through pokes, emoticons and massively unsuitable public proclamations of love.

As Phillipa, Gloria Sanders was perfect as the overexcited, soon-to-be graduate in her first real relationship. Anyone who has been to university will remember someone exactly like her from their hall of residence and will probably remember how happy they are to be out of that world now.

Her performance brought the short exchanges to life, underlining the threats, passion and soppiness in the updates being passed between “Willipa”, obsessing about her role in “choir” and counting up the number of words she has written in her dissertation.

Jack Swain’s Will was much more deadpan, joining in the coy love-play at times, but retaining a dignified silence when Phillipa’s obsessive behaviour gets too much.

Staged with the two performers sitting at laptops – dates and times projected behind them – the joy of this show is in its simplicity. At just half-an-hour, it doesn’t outstay its welcome.