Chris Rowan wanted to get his wife Carol a King Charles Cavalier spaniel as an anniversary present.

So on the 11th of April he answered an advertisement in the Friday Ad and started talking to a farmer in Gloucestershire about buying a puppy.

Chris and Carol ssid, “We realise just how little we know about him and how skillfully he has side-stepped giving any real information about himself.”

The farmer said he would deliver the puppy, as Carol and Chris lived so far away, and he arrived on the Thursday with a small, thin puppy.

Chris described the man as a tall well-built man, with a forceful manner and said his clothes and smell gave the impression that he worked on a farm.

The Rowans' granddaughter took an instant liking to the beautiful, wobbly little puppy and they felt they could not ask the man to take her away.

Marc Abraham, local celebrity and vet, who is running the Pup Aid campaign to raise awareness, said, “In this situation everyone loses. The bitch must produce another litter. The puppy dies of Parvovirus. And the family loses a puppy.”

The man looked the part and was incredibly convincing but the Coastaway vet saw the yellow staining on Sugar's stomach and had to break the news to the Rowan family.

When a family member called to pretend to want a puppy they were told that he was 'sadly unavailable' to visit and would not give a name or address.

The Rowans now have a lovely puppy called Pumpkin and Chris says, “When we bought Pumpkin from an accredited Kennel Club breeder she never once tried in any way to influence the sale.”

Marc would like to tell you that when you buy a puppy remember to ask to see the dog with it's parents and never let someone pressure you into taking a pet.