CONCERNING Brighton and Hove City Council’s plan to switch to a two-weekly rubbish collection period (The Argus, June 20), if any Brighton resident would like to see what their street would look like, I would suggest walking up and down Coombe Road.

There are split-open bags of rubbish every day, making it a seagull and rats’ paradise.

What must visitors think when they visit our city?

C Pettitt, Jevington Drive, Brighton

HOW can a fortnightly collection help with recycling when it seems to be collected when the council feels like it, especially on the outskirts?

I feel that a lot of people have given up on recycling because it is not collected frequently enough. I have five boxes that are filled within a week, but have to wait another week to be collected.

So, if rubbish is not collected for two weeks and then recycling is not collected, where do we keep it? Or do we leave it on the streets to be pecked at by seagulls and eaten by foxes, badgers and cats?

Is there no pride left in this city?

Please see sense and let’s try to keep the streets clear of rotting and decaying rubbish.

Taylor Anscombe, by email