MY PARTNER and I went to the Elton John concert at Hove Cricket Ground on Sunday, June 26, which was thoroughly enjoyable.

However what was not enjoyable was the complete lack of control and enforcement of the rules and regulations regarding food, drink and photography.

The terms and conditions states that no food or drink is allowed in the ground, and that guests should not arrive with any audio or visual recording equipment – rules which we reluctantly observed.

Once the concert started, the world and his wife were jumping up and down with cameras of all shapes and sizes.

One woman was taking photos right beside a security guard. Another man a few seats away from us had what was obviously a huge camera bag.

As for banning drinks – other than those purchased in the ground – I saw one woman carrying a three-litre wine box!

If you can’t enforce the terms and conditions of an event fully, then you shouldn’t have them at all.

David Wicks, Wilmington Way, Brighton