AFTER much publication on global warming, scientists are now telling us that due to sun spot activity, or lack of it, the Earth is about to go into a mini Ice Age, as would have affected the planet some 300 years ago.

Does this mean a new Government quango will be educating us on the need to rip out our environmentally-friendly heating systems, and go back to open coal fires?

Will I face punitive taxation on my bicycle because I am not pumping out enough carbon emissions to prevent the river Thames freezing up in winter?

Will the Prime Minister be telling us that global cooling is an absolute fact and, unless we act now to prevent it, woolly mammoths, giant cave bears, and Neanderthal hunters with flint-tipped spears will be rampaging through our towns?

If anybody thinks I am being flippant, just consider what we have been told on global warming already.

Stuart Bower, Towers Road, Upper Beeding