Southern Railway cannot justify removing the cycle parking from the front of Brighton Station (The Argus, June 21). It has played the safety and security card to try to avoid any challenge. Yet it clearly doesn’t add up.

If Southern wanted to make the station secure, it would ban all passengers carrying bags or luggage. There are many more of them than the few bags left on bikes that are now being used as the reason for moving the cycle parking.

A railway station should be a hub for transport interchange. Removing cycle parking is making it awkward and unattractive for people to cycle to the station.

A friend recently had his bike badly damaged because there were no safe places left to leave his bike.

It’s about time the railways were run for the benefit of the public and the city.

Southern should not only restore the cycle parking immediately it also needs to review its whole approach to cycling, which seems to be going backwards rather than forwards.

Chris Todd, Brighton & Hove Friends of the Earth, Hollingdean Terrace, Brighton