I HAVE been a regular visitor to Hove for many years, and, until recently, the brightest things I had seen on the promenade were red-striped deck chairs and inflatable children’s toys.

What a difference to see someone putting colour into some otherwise dull beach huts!

Maybe some organisation could sponsor a competition to have the brightest painted hut on this stretch?

After all, we are in the 21st century, not the dark ages.

Don Bray, Brisbane, Australia

IT SEEMS many of us enjoyed the psychedelic beach hut, not least because of its contrast with the politely-toned huts that flanked it.

The problem is to contain too wild an imaginative spread.

Perhaps Brighton and Hove City Council could run an annual lottery for beach hut occupiers.

The prize could be to have the right to give their fancy free rein?

Margaret Wilmot, Selmeston, Polegate