In response to Messrs Walker and Dalley - "Our street can be a great place to be" (Letters, September 8) - what planet do they live on?

Have they not seen the elderly and disabled persons and mothers with buggies who queue at the bus stop at the bottom of St James's Street? Have they not noticed that almost all the would-be passengers are laden with shopping?

Do they seriously expect people who are unable to afford a car to carry their shopping to Marine Parade or Edward Street just so businesses they can't afford to patronise can extend out onto the street?

I suspect neither of these two gentlemen has ever had to carry a family-size load of shopping or struggled with a buggy and little ones who are tired. If they had, they would not make such stupid suggestions. It would be equally ludicrous to litter pavements with chairs and tables.

We can see from the picture above their letters selfish traders who block the pavement with their goods already make it difficult to pass by on foot, let alone with a buggy or wheelchair. I do agree too much traffic uses St James's Street. It should be closed to motorised traffic except buses, taxis and emergency vehicles.

I note Mr Walker praises the Community Police who have done a good job of clearing St James's Street of alcoholics and rough sleepers - but where does he think these so-called undesirables go when moved on? Or does he have an "I'm all right, Jack" attitude?

The more I read their letters, the more I wonder if Messrs Walker and Dalley have a hidden agenda for St James's Street. Could they exercise some community spirit and share it.

  • Maggie King, St James's House, Brighton