The day after you printed my letter deploring the lack of consideration of the need for infrastructure generated by plans for population growth (Letters, September 6), you report the proposed closure of Roses Rest Home in Rutland Gardens, Hove.I am well aware of the anguish such closures cause. My late wife's brother is one of the residents.

Care homes are a prime example of the infrastructure needed as a city's population increases. But another is closing when more major housing developments are proposed.

I am campaigning against the proposals for the King Alfred (not far from Rutland Gardens) but I was taken aback to read of plans for 1,500 additional flats at the marina.

In my experience, you need planning permission to change the use of premises from a care home but, although residents at Roses Rest Home have been told they have to move out by the end of October, no planning application has yet been submitted. I urge the public at large to consider objecting in due course.

In the meantime, I must commend not only the Roses staff, who will be made redundant, but the member of the council's Older People's Community Assessment Team who has been assigned to the case: Cynthia is most sympathetic and is clearly striving to do all she can to help those distressed residents, two of whom are centenarians.

  • Ken Fines, Northease Drive, Hove