Pay for your parking is the new measure being enforced by Brighton City Council for users of Preston Park.

The changes, which were confirmed in a council meeting yesterday, have come as a response to a petition of over 2,000 signatures which were in favour of a change to the current parking situation. Park users can now expect to pay as much as £3.00 to park their vehicle whilst the maximum time limit for parking will also be reduced to 6 hours.

Councillor Peter West and cabinet member for the environment and sustainability has overseen the new changes and said: “Parking in Preston Park is currently uncontrolled and as a result it is becoming a free car park for commuters, residents and visitors to the city.”

The new proposals have already caused divided opinion amongst park users. Lorna Mason, who visits the park on a regular basis, opposed the new charges insisting she did not want to have to pay just to walk her dog.

More concerns were also expressed by one park warden who said that the new charges would mean she would have to now take public transport instead of driving adding to her weekly travel costs.

Whilst the cost of enforcing the new scheme will be recouped from the parking charges, any excess income will be put towards park improvements.