Like a comedy club but on a grander scale, Best of the Fest is a great way to sample a mix of comic talent.

MC for the first of two shows was Australian Adam Hills, a relaxed host who charmed his audience with ease. Energetic Welsh comic Rhod Gilbert was first up with a mock angry and very funny routine about lost luggage.

Canadian Phil Nichol's act was brilliantly mad. Part of it involved pulling his T-shirt on to his head and pulling his trousers down. Say no more.

Things continued apace with the extremely funny Russell Howard followed by Frankie Boyle, who is not for the fainthearted.

Making an instant impact with his bright pink shiny suit, Boyle's is the kind of humour which makes you laugh with your hand over your mouth because you're not sure you should really be laughing.

The second instalment of Best of the Fest is on Friday, October 20.

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