Despite allegedly topping Jack Dee in the grumpiness stakes and having added a misanthropic subtitle to his successful Edinburgh show, it was a surprise to find Mark Watson such an affable fellow.

Somewhat lacking in the vitriol-fuelled diatribes one would expect, it was heartening, however, to discover below the smiley surface lay a man who has decided modern life is indeed rubbish..

The funnyman's faith in humanity took a blow when, last year, he was mugged by a 13-year-old who insisted on calling him "mate"..

Considering why a generation with so much going for it is so hell bent on making it tough for the rest of us, Watson set about using the Seven Deadly Sins as the catalyst for his sugar-coated barbs in this polished and joyful show..

Realising only comedians without sins should be the ones to throw the first figurative stone, Watson at least included himself among the penitent..

Declaring pedantry and cowardice high on his list of shortcomings, he proved pride was one item on the naughty list he managed to avoid..

Luckily for us though, wrath was still used to great comedic effect. Glen

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