In all the debate over the Gehry towers at the King Alfred site, I have seen few opinions expressed on how the building actually looks.

The argument has raged over the amount of housing accommodation, the quality of sports provision, the cost to the council and town should the scheme be abandoned and now the ability of the structure to stand up to storms and gales.

I respond positively to Gehry's smaller-scale Vetra Museum in Weilam- Rhein in Germany (1988) and his Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain (1997). Despite their eccentricity, both designs appear resolved and satisfying.

However, the open lattice-work structure which is all we have seen in plans for the King Alfred towers appear as insubstantial as origami.

Let's hope the detailed plans for these towers, when eventually made available, will create a pleasing impression of solidity and rightness.

  • Graham Carrick, Lyminster Avenue, Brighton