Pubs and clubs are to offer a "hangover cure" to eradicate the worst effects of the morning after the night before.

Ethos Endymion, a powder containing an ingredient also used to treat cataracts, will be available from vending machines in five bars and clubs in Sussex from next month. Shore Bar in Shoreham High Street and The Art House in Western Road, Hove, will have a machine and three other premises are to be confirmed.

The powder contains carnosine, a natural antioxidant that boosts the immune system.

Lee Grant, of The Body Repair Shop in Haywards Heath which is distributing the product, said: "The powder helps against hangovers.

"It replenishes the goodness the body has lost the night before and changes the way the body deals with alcohol.

"It doesn't stop the intoxicating effects of alcohol but it does stop the damage it causes.

"This is something for a responsible person who works 9am to 5pm and wants to have a night out and feel all right the next morning.

"We're not encouraging people to drink but if they choose to we're encouraging them to limit the damage it causes."

The powder is dissolved in water and can be taken before drinking alcohol or during the night.

Mr Grant said it would be trialled in a few bars and clubs to start with and, if successful, would be made available more widely.

The Body Repair Shop will be contacting breweries to see if they would supply Ethos Endymion in their pubs.

Carnosine has been described as the most powerful antioxidant known.

EthosVision International, which manufactures Ethos Endymion, uses it in eye drops for people who suffer from cataracts and has given supplies to help eye patients in Ghana.

Professor Steven Gallant, biochemist at London's Barts Hospital, was one of the first British scientists to recognise the benefits of carnosine. He discovered it was being used in China and Russia as an alternative to cataract surgery.

The eye drops were tested on 60 people with cataracts on Channel 4's Richard And Judy show and most found an improvement in their condition.