An MP has lobbied council chiefs to replace lifts in a high-rise council block.

In September Brighton and Hove City Council announced about 90 1960s and 1970s lifts in 50 buildings would be upgraded as part of |a nine-year programme.

However, Brighton Kemptown MP Simon Kirby , has written to the local authority’s chief executive calling for the replacement of the equipment in Leach Court, off Edward Street, Brighton, to be brought forward.

It is currently scheduled to take place at some point in the next three years.

Mr Kirby said: “Elderly residents tell me they feel like prisoners in their own homes when the lifts are out of action, which is sadly an all too familiar occurrence for those living in the block.

“One recent failure lasted for six weeks.

“This situation cannot continue for three more years and that is why I am calling on the council to act swiftly to resolve this issue.”