Tommy Coyne is right to point out the importance of truly local charities serving the over-50s (Letters, August 31).

However, he refers to Age UK Brighton and Hove as being a local charity when, in fact, it is a local branch of a national London-based charity, Age UK, which merged with Help The Aged in April 2011.

I too am a past volunteer and current part-time employee with Age Concern Eastbourne, a truly independent local charity serving the people of Eastbourne and its district.

Its slogan is Give Local, Help Local and none of the money raised though our five charity shops, fundraising and provision of paid-for services goes to a London-based head office operation. We opted out of the Age UK/Help The Aged merger and have not looked back since.

We provide day clubs, sporting activities, leisure services and many other events.

On Thursday, September 20, we will be at Bankers Corner, Terminus Road, Eastbourne, with the East Sussex Community Transport Operators’ Group from 10am until 4pm, helping to promote community transport initiatives as part of some roadshow events.

Our LibDem MP Stephen Lloyd is supportive of our services, which we have been providing for more than 65 years.

Pop over to Eastbourne on the train, Tommy, and see what we do locally without sky-high costs. We’re at the William and Patricia Venton Center, in Junction Road, close to Sainsbury’s, or call 01323 638474.

Roger Hudson, Devonshire Place, Eastbourne