Congratulations to the organisers of Pride 2012 for delivering such an excellent Pride celebration for the city.

The parade was amazing with more people than ever lining the streets to cheer it on.

The event in Preston Park went smoothly and was managed really well.

This is a tribute to the hard work and co-operation between the council, police, community organisers and residents.

The added bonus is a good sum of money raised for LGBT organisations. Well done all.

Councillor Gill Mitchell , leader of the Labour and Co-operative Group, Brighton and Hove City Council

It is 8.20am and I am looking at the mess in my street as I write this: plants have been pulled out of pots and there is vomit and rubbish everywhere.

Add to that drunk screaming morons swearing their heads off in the street from 8pm until 5.30am and you might start to understand why we don’t look forward to Pride anymore.

It’s been the same since we moved here three years ago. There may have been a time when Pride was about unity and had a message, but now it’s just another drinking party where no one really cares about anything but getting drunk.

Those of us who would prefer not to be kept up all night or have their street trashed are questioning the need for Pride.

Inevitably, we will be called anti-Pride or anti-LGBT, which is simply not the case – we are just fed up with what is now just another excuse for people to drink. Rather than bring everyone together it is becoming divisive.

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