While applauding recent efforts to improve the state of beaches in Brighton and Hove, may I point out this requires a consistent level of endeavour; one-off efforts are productive but the litter soon comes back.

In 2006 the Friends Of Tidemills, a voluntary group, began clearing up the beach and surrounding area of the old Tidemills near Newhaven.

Every month, on the third Sunday from 10am until noon, we clear from this beautifully varied landscape of beach, countryside and ruins of the Tidemills buildings, and have gradually got on top of the initial dereliction of industrial waste, litter from the sea and tourist debris.

Last Sunday, a group of about a dozen people each collected a bag of rubbish, plus a few larger articles.

In the past six years, the Friends Of Tidemills have also protected rare bird sites, supported better access across the Tidemills level-crossing and encouraged the removal of invasive plant species such as Japanese knotweed.

This exceptionally rare beach landscape has now received the added protection of inclusion within the South Downs National Park.

I hope in future this kind of activity can be organised at the nearby internationally renowned site of Cuckmere Haven where, due to the tidal River Cuckmere and thousands of visitors each day, the litter problem is appreciably worse.

Potential volunteers can find details about this group of helpers at a new website.

The address is www.cuckmerefriends.org .

Bob Brown, Ringmer Road, Seaford