When British Airways told a female member of ground staff she couldn’t wear a small cross openly while on duty, as it might upset other religions, she went to courts of law in Europe.

That’s where senior clergy should get involved, starting with the Archbishop of Canterbury.

He should have said we will go along with that as long as you tell the same to all staff; nothing must be worn to identify what religion you follow.

Church of England churches are like pubs – many close down throughout the UK.

What we must have is strong leadership from the top. Most bishops retire bang on 65, get large pensions and live in luxury accommodation.

Some retire to take up highly paid jobs while, at the end of the scale, others can end up in their own care homes.

It is about time bishops kept their noses out of politics and spoke up for all Christians.

This is a Christian country. We should be filling our churches – many now hold other events such as lunch clubs.

I am lucky at my church to have a very good vicar who cares for one and all.

Peter Willenden, Stirling Place, Hove