Alexis Mac Allister has told his fans in Argentina he is totally focussed on Albion and enjoying what he is doing.

But, when pushed on an eventual move, he has admitted he would love to stay in the Premier League.

Mac Allister was hosting Gaston Edul of TyC Sports as he continued his lengthy round of media commitments resulting from success at the World Cup with Argentina.

There was also a live link-up with the studio in Argentina, from where he was asked where he would fancy playing next.

Mac Allister replied: “The truth is I don’t have a team in particular where I say they suit my way of playing.

“I think that here in the Premier League there are very strong teams, teams who play very well, like Manchester City and Arsenal.

“Chelsea, I had (Graham) Potter and I know more or less the idea he has for playing  football.

“Manchester United are returning a bit to what they were and Liverpool are having ups and downs but have still got a very important team and coach.

“If you ask me, I’d like my next step to be in the Premier League.

“But the truth is, as I said before, I am very focused here in Brighton and enjoying the present.”

Rather than talking up a move, Mac Allister appeared to be batting away the questions in non-committal and slightly uncomfortable fashion, keeping the emphasis on Albion, and was possibly keen to give the inteviewer just enough so he would move the discussion on.

But clearly there must be a chance he will leave the Seagulls this summer.

He will not come cheap to any suitors, given he signed a new Albion contract ahead of the World Cup which runs until June 2025, with an additional one-year option for the club.