Albion’s financial results since coming into the Premier League have been a rollercoaster ride – partly due to Covid.

The club were in credit to the tune of £122.8 million across last season.

This is the third time in six seasons they have posted a profit.

They showed an £11.3m surplus in their debut season, when many of their outgoings were still along Championship lines.

As costs increased, that bottom line became a loss of £21.2 million in 2018-19.

Their deficit was £67 million in the 2019-20 season, which was halted by Covid.

It was estimated losses increased by £28m due to the pandemic.

Playing behind closed doors in 2020-21, they lost £54m.

They turned that into a £24.1m profit in 2021-22.

All that adds up to a profit of around £15m in their first six Prem seasons.