Roberto De Zerbi went for a walk around Brighton on the morning of his final game with Albion.

He said he did it to reflect on successes he, the club and fans had enjoyed together.

The departing head coach often enjoyed a stroll around town from his surprisingly central base while working as head coach.

Put on a baseball cap, turn up his collar, go out and enjoy his surroundings.

Not that he would have been mobbed had he been spotted.

Brighton is not as intense as that.

So, in his final press conference after his final match, he was keen to talk about the connection he has with Brighton over a little more than 18 months.

And to highlight the players under his command as the best he has worked with.

De Zerbi signed off with a 2-0 defeat by Manchester United, the first time the Old Trafford outfit had won at the Amex in front of fans.

But there was not a single question about the game afterwards.

It was all about his departure and what appears to have a case of agreeing to disagree.

Then, as he left, he paused for a handshake and an exchange of best wishes with the local reporters.

De Zerbi said: “I have to be very thankful to Tony Bloom and his family, Paul Barber as well, all the club, because they gave me the chance to work in the Premier League, the best league in the world.

“To meet my players. I think the group of players has been the best in my career in terms of relationships.

“They gave me the chance to discover Brighton city.

“I have an incredible connection.

“I don’t know if Brighton is a strange city but I love this city and they gave me the opportunity to know and to meet the fans of Brighton.

“Also, with them it has been a great connection at the beginning.

“I can’t be afraid with anyone but I know my DNA, I know my level of passion, I know what I need to feel good in my life and in my work.

“Journalists can think behind me there is another club – no, no, no!

“I have had not one offer. I leave two years of contract.

“Maybe I can stay at home two, three, four months, I am not sure.”

De Zerbi wore his heart on his sleeve as Albion head coach and fans generally loved it.

Whenever he arrived for a home match hours before kick-off, he tended to swap a smile and a friendly greeting with photographers waiting to snap a first picture.

On Sunday, he apparently looked sombre and downbeat.

Speaking after the game, he said: “I think people who worked with me understood me.

“I was able to transmit my passion, I was able to transmit what is football in my head, what is football for the fans.

“Before being a player, before being a coach, I have been a fan.

“I know very well what they feel in the stand, watching your team playing.

“I put football at the top of my life and I want to keep football at the top of my life.

“Tony Bloom is a great owner and he knows what is better to do for Brighton.

“His recruitment is top and I think the future of Brighton will be great while Tony Bloom is owner.

“We had different ideas, yes, but what is the problem?

“It’s not a problem. It’s part of work, it’s part of my life.

“Lots of times I have been in disagreement with my owners and lots of owners called me to talk about football.

“I think I am not a bad character because the relationship with people inside Brighton is amazing.

“But, if you ask me if I have a clear idea for my life, for work and for football, yes I have a clear idea.”