Eastbourne picked up a fifth Elite League point in as many days and were left regretting at least one that got away.

Simon Gustafsson marked his return to form with the heat 15 win which gave Eagles a race advantage in a thriller at Wolverhampton last night.

Eagles went down 46-44, earning them a losing bonus, but team manager Trevor Geer had mixed feelings at the end.

Geer said: “It’s a good result and a great point but it’s such a shame we didn’t win it.

“The last race was so tight, it could have been a 5-1 for us or a 5-1 to them.

“But the way the boys rode was brilliant. Simon beat Freddie Lindgren twice, Ricky Kling had another good win and Lukas Dryml got good points.”

Full report in The Argus today