Gary Charman believes the fans have a vital role to play if Horsham are to cause an FA Cup upset.

Hornets face League One high-fliers Swansea in the second round at the Atspeed Stadium on Friday.

It is the biggest game in Horsham's 126-year history and Charman knows the team will need all the help they can get to cause a huge upset.

The midfield ace is very much the hometown boy. He has lived in Horsham for his whole life, mum Jean sells the match programmes and dad Roger works behind the bar at Queen Street.

Charman said: "The fans will act as our 12th man. They will make the difference and roar us to victory.

"Our supporters are the best in our league in terms of loyalty and passion. They follow us home and away.

"There'll be nearly 2,400 of them willing us to win in a 2,800 capacity crowd at Queen Street "Can you imagine the atmosphere they will generate, especially under the lights and in front of the Sky TV cameras?

"Their support will lift the players so much and help us win the match for them.

"They played their part in the last round against Maidenhead and their reaction at the end, when they invaded the pitch to congratulate the players, showed how much the win meant to them.

"They will play their part again in the biggest game in our history."

The match has been the only topic of conversation in Horsham since the draw paired Hornets with the Swans.

Charman said: "The whole town has gone crazy. Everywhere I go it is all anyone talks about.

If I'm having a drink, getting a takeaway, at work (he is a landscape gardener) or just walking the streets people come up to me for a chat.

"There's such a buzz. The pubs and shops are all displaying our green and yellow colours. Cup fever is everywhere.

"The magic of the Cup is alive, even though it is sometimes nice to shut my front door and get away from it for five minutes!"

The fans' will be shouting loudest for Charman, He is a favourite player because he is one of them.

Charman said: "I'm chuffed and proud to represent them on the field.

"I will give it everything to make sure we get through. I'm ready."

Charman, 26, feared he would be suspended for the Swansea game after being sent off for a second bookable offence against Maidenhead.

He served the ban in the league against Harrow Borough and is available for the big match Charman has scored 125 goals in 394 appearances since October, 1998.

He is Horsham's longest-serving player and said: "There's no pressure on us. The expectations are all on Swansea. If we go out and play our natural passing game we can win.

"We've got potential match-winners all over the field in Lee Carney, Carl Rook, Nigel Brake and, hopefully, myself. "

Can Horsham do it and cause a huge Cup upset ?