
  • Come on you Blues(tones)

    A solid performance by Brighton-based construction company Bluestone contributed to a record £20.92 million profit for its parent company Morgan Sindall. Morgan, which operates a national network of construction, affordable housing and infrastructure

  • Seeds of success as tourism picks up

    Wakehurst Place, part of the Kew Gardens group, enjoyed soaring visitor numbers while most other attractions suffered an annus horribilis. The Ardingly estate had the fifth highest increase in the country, according to the Association of Leading Visitor

  • Banoffi pie creator is still pudding it about

    Nigel MacKenzie would be a very rich man if he had trademarked the name of his world-famous banoffi pie back in the Sixties. But he was busy running a restaurant at the time and, in his own words, "missed the boat". Not that it rankles much. Nigel is

  • Stop wasting council tax making Bill Gates richer

    Computer experts are being urged to ditch Bill Gates and his Microsoft empire to save cash and help stem huge council tax rises. Green Party group leader Keith Taylor said Brighton and Hove City Council could avoid hefty tax rises if it swapped to free

  • Link road scheme branded a sham

    Environment campaigners have pledged to boycott consultation on a road scheme, calling it a sham. East Sussex Transport 2000 said councils were not offering alternatives to road building or being clear about the project's economic and environmental impact

  • Come on you Blues(tones)

    A solid performance by Brighton-based construction company Bluestone contributed to a record £20.92 million profit for its parent company Morgan Sindall. Morgan, which operates a national network of construction, affordable housing and infrastructure

  • CCTV can focus on crime

    Small businesses will no longer have to comply with the data protection act when using CCTV to deter criminals. Spy camera equipment has fallen dramatically in price since 2000 and it is now widely used by traders to deter criminals. But because of hugely

  • Stop wasting council tax making Bill Gates richer

    Computer experts are being urged to ditch Bill Gates and his Microsoft empire to save cash and help stem huge council tax rises. Green Party group leader Keith Taylor said Brighton and Hove City Council could avoid hefty tax rises if it swapped to free

  • CCTV can focus on crime

    Small businesses will no longer have to comply with the data protection act when using CCTV to deter criminals. Spy camera equipment has fallen dramatically in price since 2000 and it is now widely used by traders to deter criminals. But because of hugely

  • Parking parity proposed

    Proposals to cut council tax by increasing parking fees have been put forward by Green city councillors. Their idea will be put to the budget meeting of Brighton and Hove City Council on Thursday. They want to bring charges in Hove in line with those

  • Seeds of success as tourism picks up

    Wakehurst Place, part of the Kew Gardens group, enjoyed soaring visitor numbers while most other attractions suffered an annus horribilis. The Ardingly estate had the fifth highest increase in the country, according to the Association of Leading Visitor

  • Banoffi pie creator is still pudding it about

    Nigel MacKenzie would be a very rich man if he had trademarked the name of his world-famous banoffi pie back in the Sixties. But he was busy running a restaurant at the time and, in his own words, "missed the boat". Not that it rankles much. Nigel is

  • Link road scheme branded a sham

    Environment campaigners have pledged to boycott consultation on a road scheme, calling it a sham. East Sussex Transport 2000 said councils were not offering alternatives to road building or being clear about the project's economic and environmental impact

  • Parking parity proposed

    Proposals to cut council tax by increasing parking fees have been put forward by Green city councillors. Their idea will be put to the budget meeting of Brighton and Hove City Council on Thursday. They want to bring charges in Hove in line with those