
  • UK accused of legal lapse over detainee

    The Government has been accused of breaking the law by remaining silent over Guantanamo detainee Omar Deghayes. Asim Qureshi, a specialist in international law who advised human rights organisation Cage Prisoners, has produced a report detailing the

  • Letter: Albion fans are not yobs

    Following the healthy response to Angela Rowland's ill-judged opinions (Letters, October 12), it is also worth remembering the hysteria which surrounded the Albion's "audacious" return to the city it represents after two seasons playing at Gillingham.

  • School shut after bug is found in pipes

    A primary school was still closed today following the discovery of Legionella bacteria in a water pipe. The entire water system at Benfield Junior School in Old Shoreham Road, Portslade, is to be emptied and cleaned following the discovery during a routine

  • Letter: New zones but more problems

    It seems as if nobody is satisfied by Brighton and Hove City Council's new car parking plans, which were discussed at the North Laine Community Association meeting (The Argus, October 11). This is hardly surprising because those responsible appear to

  • Mother saves child from house blaze

    A family escaped their burning home when smoke alarms alerted them to the blaze. The fire started in a bedroom and is believed to have been caused by a cigarette. When the smoke alarms went off, the woman in the house rushed upstairs to rescue her young

  • Letter: We need homes

    I find it sad when residents' associations seem to object to every new development application - the latest case being the new proposals for Brighton Marina (The Argus, October 12). Brighton and Hove has a serious housing shortfall and a major affordable

  • Councillors told to cut down on costly snacks

    Councillors have been told they must tighten the purse strings to stop accusations of extravagance. Brighton and Hove City Council's finance spokesman Simon Burgess has called for a review of members' perks following reports earlier this year that taxpayers

  • Letter: Rubbish present

    I read your report about a "compochino" event offering cut-price compost bins to gardeners, along with a cup of coffee (The Argus, October 12). Councillor Sarah Osbourne, lead member for the environment, Lewes District Council, states: "Compost bins make

  • Police break into wrong house on 999 call

    BUNGLING police officers on an emergency call smashed through a front door in the wrong street. When they realised their mistake they left a sheepish apology inside - and then had the property boarded up, which meant the occupants could not read it. Shocked

  • Letter: Back to school

    Having recently visited quite a few secondary schools in Brighton and Hove, one thing has struck me on several occasions - there appears to be a noticeable lack in the use of the possessive apostrophe. I would be the first to acknowledge language is constantly

  • Basketball: Bears stay cool to silence Thunder

    Nick Nurse today revealed how he shielded his Genesis Brighton Bears from pre-game jitters on Durrington derby day. Bears got their their BBL Trophy campaign off to a winning start by pulling away in the last 12 minutes of Saturday's group opener at Worthing

  • Match report: Albion 1 Cardiff 2

    The weather was gorgeously glorious again but there the similarities ended. Can it really be only seven weeks ago that Albion pulverised Plymouth at Withdean with a performance full of forward flair and adventure? The same diminutive front four were reunited

  • Crackdown at hospital shamed on TV

    A major department store has announced it is to close - prompting fears over the future of a rundown shopping area. The Co-op in London Road, Brighton, has been open since before the First World War but said last night it would close within 18 months.

  • Licensing deadline looms

    Late-night takeaways were warned today they must apply for new licences or they may not be able to continue trading after November 24. Under the Licensing Act 2003, penalties for conducting licensable activities without authorisation could lead to £20,000

  • Alex Horne, Pavillion Theatre, Brighton

    Alex Horne put together a pleasing amalgamation of university lecture, children's breakfast TV show and choose-your-own adventure book. The premise of an adult education Latin course was just the road into a tangled Spaghetti Junction of possibilities

  • Momma Cherri's hit by blaze

    A fire has ravaged the top floor of one the best-known restaurants in Sussex. The blaze broke out in a tumble drier above Momma Cherri's Soul Food Shack in Little East Street, Brighton, on Friday night. No one was injured but an apartment and office were

  • Girl still missing

    A teenager is still missing from home despite her father's efforts to track her down. Cliff Baker has heard nothing from his 14-year-old daughter Sherrie almost three weeks after she disappeared from her home in Chadborn Close in Brighton. Relatives began

  • Michael Bolton, Brighton Centre, Brighton

    It's something which should only be said in hushed whispers but I confess, I am a Michael Bolton fan. Performing on his first UK tour in a decade, Bolton may be a little older, a little thinner and minus that ponytail but he has lost none of his charm

  • Letter: Object online

    It is interesting The Argus presumed that when the King Alfred model leaves Brighton's Jubilee Library to come to Hove, it will come to Hove Library (The Argus, October 13). Logically that should be the case. Indeed, the model should have been situated

  • Letter: Fire doesn't sleep

    Martin Burrell's response (Letters, October 13) to firefighter Neil Graham's concerns about proposed changes to crewing arrangements at Shoreham Fire Station is nothing if not disingenuous. Correct me if I'm wrong, Mr Burrell, but the majority of fire

  • Move to maintain the water supply

    A water company has been given permission to take supplies from a river. The Environment Agency has granted a drought permit to Southern Water to help it maintain services to customers. It allows the company to draw water from the Western Rother at Pulborough

  • Protest group seeks views on city's rubbish

    A campaign group fighting controversial plans to build a recycling and waste transfer site is carrying out a survey of thousands of residents. The Dump the Dump group, which is opposing a scheme by waste company Onyx to build a £10 million plant in Hollingdean

  • UK accused of legal lapse over detainee

    The Government has been accused of breaking the law by remaining silent over Guantanamo detainee Omar Deghayes. Asim Qureshi, a specialist in international law who advised human rights organisation Cage Prisoners, has produced a report detailing the legal

  • Letter: Lane blame

    There have been more and more reports in The Argus about accidents involving cyclists on the cycle lane near the Palace Pier. Sympathetic as I am for the injured pedestrians, I do feel the cyclist isn't exclusively to blame. As a cyclist myself, I know

  • Letter: Crazy culture

    David Madden's excellent follow-up letter (October 12) to your "Boy is savaged" article reminded me of a recent court case in America. In Austin, Texas, a jury ordered the owners of a furniture store to award a certain Kathleen Robertson $780,000 in compensation

  • Police break into wrong house on 999 call

    Bungling police officers on an emergency call smashed through a front door in the wrong street. When they realised their mistake they left a sheepish apology inside - and then had the property boarded up, which meant the occupants could not read it. Shocked

  • Letter: Why not support pensioners?

    The IsItFair group recently informed me that Celia Barlow, MP for Hove, has refused to present a petition to Parliament requesting a fairer deal on council tax for senior citizens. Being a lifelong member of the Labour Party, I find it hard to believe

  • Letter: Sandra is an inspiration to us all

    I was so moved by the story of Sandra Carey (The Argus, October 13). My mother died in April this year. She had breast cancer and it was not diagnosed until it was in her stomach, ovaries etc and although she, too, had a hysterectomy, they did not remove

  • Letter: Stand together to fight against breast cancer

    I read, through tears, the story of Sandra Carey who is so bravely preparing for her wedding and her funeral (The Argus, October 13). Having seemingly won the battle against her breast cancer, Sandra is now facing another, fighting cancer in other parts

  • Match report: Crawley 0 Exeter 2

    Sympathy is wearing thin for Crawley after they were again the architects of their own downfall. Reds suffered a devastating injury-time capitulation against Exeter at the Broadfield Stadium. Jon Challinor scored two goals in as many minutes in added

  • Being bottom holds no fears

    Albion manager Mark McGhee insisted today he has no fears about hitting rock-bottom ahead of the visit to arch-rivals Crystal Palace. The Seagulls go to Selhurst Park tomorrow night at the foot of the Championship 13 games into the season following Saturday's

  • Food is glorious at tasty event

    Artists, health and social professionals and others who work with food are invited to a day-long conference to learn more about their trade. Say AaH 2, now in its second year, is a Brighton and Hove Arts Commission event exploring the potential of art

  • Florist's threat to shut store over sex shop

    A flower shop owner says she will quit if a sex shop opens nearby. Jackie Adsett, owner of Flowers In The Window, Rowlands Road, Worthing, said people were devastated after plans for the shop were unveiled. St Leonards firm Shop Tonight Ltd wants to open

  • Patrick Kielty, Corn Exchange, Brighton

    Freed from the constraints of television presenting Patrick Kielty is a very funny man. Whereas on the box he sometimes comes across as a bit arrogant, on stage he is self-deprecating and his humour is infectious. He kicked off his first stand-up gig

  • Mark Steel, Corn Exchange, Brighton

    When Mark Steel announced he would be giving a lecture on the French Revolution the audience could have been forgiven for checking their tickets. This was supposed to be a comedy gig after all. Fortunately, in Steel's capable comedy hands a potentially

  • Ross Noble, Dome Concert Hall, Brighton

    Imagine an over-stimulated child on his birthday - in such an excited state and fuelled by E-numbers he is constantly torn between exploding with joy and peeing himself. That's Ross Noble, that is. Like a comedy iPod set to shuffle, he's as random as

  • Noel Fielding, Corn Exchange, Brighton

    If it is gags and killer punch lines you are after, cross Noel Fielding off your comedy wish list because there is a barely a joke within his slightly overlong set. Instead, Fielding is our tour guide on a surreal and often hilarious safari through a

  • Best Of The Fest, Dome Concert Hall, Brighton

    Rounding off the first two weeks of the Paramount Brighton Comedy Festival, this event purported to bring together the best of the festival comedians. The host, Jason Byrne, was certainly entitled to be called the best. Taking the stage around the supporting

  • Dylan Moran, Dome Concert Hall, Brighton

    Most recently on our screens as the misanthropic protagonist of Channel 4 sitcom Black Books, Dylan Moran has sometimes been known to take his trademark contempt too far. In the past he has turned in stand-up shows full of fragmentary grumbles which crossed

  • Street runners race for cash

    A dream to create the world's first purpose-built space for the rapidly-growing sport of free running is in the hands of television viewers. Free runners want to build an urban playground for their sport - known as parkour - and will go head-to-head with

  • MP backs circus animals ban

    An MP has called for a ban on the use of wild animals in circuses. Norman Baker, MP for Lewes and environment spokesman for the Liberal Democrats, said: "There is no place in a civilised society for the use of wild animals in circuses. The needs of these

  • Future of climate change

    The effect of climate change on water supplies is to be investigated. West Sussex County Council is to send out a fact-finding team to Weir Wood and Ardingly reservoirs. Afterwards, there will be a meeting about the future of resources. Members of the