As someone who has experienced pain for many years I got worried when they said I should go back to the physiotherapy department to learn some new exercises. But it was fine!

I’ve been offered physiotherapy before, and once went to learn about back pain management where they show you where your pain stems from, and how to avoid it. That was fun because there were several patients there together, and we did it as a group.

Now that I am older and in more pain the exercises are in fact a lot gentler. They told me to do them while sitting on one of my dining room chairs and said to just try five of each of them for the moment, and build it up gently.

I have to exercise my hands, my shoulders, neck and ankles for now, as I’m having a flare up. But when the pain subsides, I can then go back to using my resistance bands and small weights.

Designed for people with Rheumatoid Arthritis, these exercises just look funny. But I don’t care. If it helps to keep my joints mobile while reducing my blood pressure, that’s okay by me.

Anyway, always check with your GP that any exercise regime you are about to undertake will not exacerbate any underlying health problems, and if like me you are already in pain – remember to listen to your body, and don’t take on anything too strenuous!