A MARKET is to close against the wishes of its management.

The Trafalgar Arches Market underneath Brighton Station opened just before Christmas as a place for artists and makers to sell their wares.

But now, six months on, it is coming to an end, with the lease not being renewed by freeholders Network Rail. The market, which employs about 20 people and accommodates even more stallholders, is run by Paul Lewis.

The 50-year-old, who lives in Brighton, said he felt the market was being forced out after complaints from neighbouring businesses but was at a loss as to why.

He told The Argus: “What a great loss. I feel terrible for the traders.

“One of the stallholders selling reggae stuff played some loud music initially but we stopped that. I can’t think of any other reasons to complain.”

The Argus understands that stallholders in the building are surprised about the closure, believing they had up to three years at the site.

Mr Lewis acknowledged he may have given the impression the stallholders had longer than they did but claims he had a verbal agreement that the lease could be extended. Network Rail denies this.

A spokesman said the contract clearly stated there is no scope for an extension.

He added: “It was made clear in the contract that the agreement was for a six-month fixed term. The contract also clearly stated that there was no option to renew the agreement at any point.”

Stallholders pay on a month by month basis for use of the market space.

Mr Lewis said: “It was always a month by month thing but we all thought it would go on a lot longer. I never said to anyone we would be there for three years."

“I spent about £15,000 to build it up like a fool. I put too much in for what I got out and people have lost their jobs for something I set up so I feel rotten.

“We want to stay here for as long as possible but it’s down to Network Rail.

“Now they will just have rough sleepers there and it will be a bad place to go again.”

The owners of the market have said they are currently in negotiations.

Network Rail would not elaborate on plans for after the market goes but it is understood the space will play a role in the ongoing redevelopment of the station area.