Walking into the Chapel Royal on North St it was an unexpected delight to be warmly greeted by Emmanuel ‘Manny’ Vass, currently touring with Sonic Waves, an album that showcases an impressive range of interpretation from the young Yorkshire pianist.

From the murkiest depths of Chopin and Liszt to the spritely, original arrangements of sea shanties transposed onto a backdrop of richly textured classical compositions, Vass’s touch was sensitive and stylish - a splicing of the sombre with the playful that proved effective, without compromising the nuanced sentiment of classical chord progressions.

Vass introduced one segment by saying: “This piece stresses me out, it’s hard on the fingers, so be kind please!” and proceeded to execute a complex arrangement replete with trills, mordents and various ornamentations to a marvel-worthy standard.

Evidently keen on a challenge, Vass explained that he believes that classical music is in need of a shake-up.

An outfit of sober grey trousers and serious shoes paired with a vivid psychedelic shirt seemed to mirror his feeling towards this idea.

At only 26 years of age, and with much recognition yet bound for him, Vass certainly seemed capable of achieving this ambitious goal.

Four stars