Jason Bull


Book title
Hotel Juliet by Belinda Seaward

Why did you choose this book?
An aviation theme runs through the novel. (Hotel Juliet is the name of the light aircraft). This gives what looks like a girly book some lad appeal.

What is it about?
Memory Cougan is a young African woman. Adopted and brought to London aged five, she remembers nothing of Zambia.

Hotel Juliet tells Memory's story, over 20 years, against the wild beauty of the Zambian landscape.

What did you most like?
It's a cinematic novel of breadth and beauty, love and aviation.

Superbly written, the author's descriptions, particularly of masculinity, smells and voodoo are possessed of an almost ineffable resonance.

What did you least like?
It's a little on the long side at 345 pages. I usually prefer shorter novels of about 240 pages.

How would you summarise it overall?
An accomplished second novel. This screams out to be made into a big budget movie.

Who would most enjoy this book?
Without wishing to stereotype, women readers will probably enjoy the love story while men may prefer the aeroplanes and gritty scenes of life in the African bush.

How would you rate this book out of five?