The Treason Show brought their inimitable blend of political satire and observational comedy to the Sabai Pavilion this month and they were on great form.

Gove, Cameron – and less expectedly Patrick Moore – were all given the Treason treatment, with some hilarious perceptions of Brighton Festival (Who did start that “fly tip” at the top of North Street?), the Albion (More Poyet and Palace than “Poogate”) and Hove (Always easy to see where audience members live at this stage!).

So much irreverence can cause discomfort and not everyone found themselves in a happy place with the Savile/Harris satire. However the quick pace of the show generally kept most of us at least smiling all the way through.

Daniel Beales’ drag version of Angela Merkel singing My Way was hilarious from the moment his silhouette appeared on stage (what a voice he has too!) and the brilliant Mark Brailsford managed to do his usual streak, which is difficult not to laugh at.

The show ended with the same satirical look at Brighton Festival it kicked off with – a version of Bohemian Rhapsody that had many standing in ovation. Brighton is rightly very proud of this company. Go see a show before Helen Mirren asks them to hush up.