Brighton's newest venue, the Rialto Theatre, was launched in irreverent style with a full house enjoying the latest satirical Treason Show.

The Rialto, at the city centre end of Dyke Road, is the new home for The Treason Show as well as Pretty Villain theatre company and other local acts.

This special edition of The Treason Show was as vibrant and as topical as ever with sketches about this week's news on which the ink was hardly dry.

The show hit its targets squarely; Mark Brailsford, Sophia Behn, Daniel Beales and James Petherick were all talented mimics and actors, and their large team of writers provided them with plenty of deadly ammunition.

Well-known songs were cleverly and politically re-worded to add variety between the spoken sketches; Sophia's fine clear voice and the slick keyboard arrangements and playing of Joe Samuel were highlights of the show.

The Rialto has two performance spaces and great potential for a wide range of stand-up, drama, and music of various kinds including jazz.

Its bar will be a popular place to meet and relax in the festival and fringe. Its welcoming and enthusiastic staff team deserve to be successful.