Dating. We love it, we hate it – but one thing's for sure, it's few who can resist the urge to do it.

It's also the theme that Brighton girls Chess Dillon-Reams and Christina MacKerron set out to explore in their first production post-dance school as the Hiccup Project.

Composed of a series of sketches depicting different romantic scenarios, it was a brilliant collision of dance and comedic theatre which saw the girls writhe, collide, smash and twirl to depict the chaos which reigns once the hormones start to rage.

The narrative slipped effortlessly from physical impressions to conventional dramatic scenes, linked together by a merry-go-round motif where the girls picked themselves up from the last romantic liaison to skip around in a circle, inextricably drawn back into the dating game.

At times genuinely moving, it was also brutally funny, fiercely female and superbly performed, but despite its freshness and innovation, somewhere, an element was missing – and it didn't quite pack the punch needed to give it true weight.

Enthralling though, nonetheless.

Four stars